Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuesday - Started across the mountains

Tuesday morning we got up early and Boyd Y took us to the airport. We departed and started our climb to head through pass and start east across the Rockies. Weather was still not the best but OK. We had to deviate a little north.

Sorry there are no pictures. IT WAS COLD! Coldest temp we saw was 28F. Mostly in the low 30's. I was busy just trying to stay warm. Didn't have a free hand to use the camera.

We did OK. Landed for fuel in Rock Springs, WY [RKS] and then headed to Laramie, WY [LAR]
Got to Laramie and had caught up to the bad weather again. Decided to stay in Laramie for the night.

This morning in Laramie it is 33F. Weather ahead looks good. Letting it warm up a bit then headed SE. Plan is to go as far as we can. Should be home Thursday if weather allows.

Still "Living the Dream"!!!

1 comment:

  1. John B - Hope you and John H have a great trip home - next year, I hope you can stay with us on your way west.

    Jan & Mike
